Nik's Story

Hi coach,

I’m Nik. Passionate about water polo and its development. Former water polo player in Greece, certified Assistant Club Coach & Regional Coach in the UK.

As long as I remember myself, I have always been associated with water polo one way or another. As a teenager and young adult in Greece, I played for Panionios, Mylonas and the Nautical Club of Syros. This was a great opportunity for me, first and foremost to learn and love the sport.

Later on, and after having moved to the UK, I looked for local clubs in the North West, got qualified and volunteered as an assistant U13 coach for over 3 years. My desire to learn more and offer my knowledge and experience to a wider young audience in the UK led my steps to become a regional coach for the North West.

As I was going along, I recognised some very good talent in the (UK) pools and day by day the idea matured in my mind; that we could all do our bit to elevate British Water Polo to reach its full potential. It was when NWSP* was born.

Since then, I have dedicated myself to delivering best quality services along with my team of high profile coaches, to support UK clubs, schools, regions, individual players and coaches, so that the new generation of water polo participants can have all the necessary tools to develop and thrive.

We, in NWSP, do our best to provide access to unlimited sources of information regarding water polo methodologies and what we believe as best practices, so all can have the chance to experience, exchange ideas, question and eventually embed what they think is aligned with their playing or coaching characteristics.

Our philosophy is simple; Let’s see how others do it and do it better in our own way!

That’s what NWSP is here to help you with.

*Just for the record, NWSP stands for North West Soaked Panthers - our UK ‘birthplace’ with a touch of Greece; my favourite Greek team’s mascot, the panther.

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